New Year’s Evolution

“New Year’s Evolution” a poem

“I'm continuously questioning: did I do it right?" she said. "I’ve always done a good amount of second-guessing, but I’m re-learning how to show up differently.”

Though self-doubt was a familiar thought pattern, she also knew that in her field of palliative care, there was never a right or wrong–only one path at a time.

A recent tragedy was challenging her to practice showing up in the face of uncertainty and grief, and her belief in the power of presence was growing as a result.

She viewed the fact that she wanted to work on showing up differently as a reflection of progress–from her own inner work, mental health work, and commitment to supporting others and creating an environment where her colleague would want to stay.

Listener Poet Jenny Hegland

American Academy of Hospice & Palliative Care

January 2023


New Year’s Evolution 

2023 is not the year

I’ll run a marathon

or attempt anything

epic or heroic. No, 

2023 will be the year

of literally showing

up. Of making hard

calls. Of choosing to 

go when staying home

is the easier choice. 

Of showing up for con-

versations without an 

agenda or expectations.

Uncertainty is the 

nature of our work,

but I’m starting to

shake my should’ve,

would’ve, could’ves & 

believe in my bones 

being there

being me

is my call to show up diff’rently. I’m starting 

to believe that showing 

up is how to show love. 

Perhaps it’ll be an 

epic year after all.