Feeling Small

“Feeling Small” a poem

“I like feeling small,” he told me. “Nature has always made me feel small.”

He described the sense of wonder that feeling gave him.

“Having something bigger than the individual – I don’t care if you call it God, or nature, or something else – gives me focus because it reminds me that the time we have to impact others is fleeting.”

Now that he lived in a city, he intentionally looked for wonder in places he wouldn’t normally see it. “Information about the world is overwhelming. It always has an argumentative tinge. I try to have compassion for people I know and people I don’t know. I feel small and comforted among humanity.”

Listener Poet Beck Klassen

Cambia Sojourns Scholars

February 2022


Feeling Small


Trees make themselves known;

a fresh, powerful presence.

I feel small 

in the forest around me.

Nature freely emanates 

the inalienable gifts 

of insignificance 




and significance 




Society makes itself known;

an overwhelming entanglement 

of blame.

I carve out a space for myself

to feel small

in the humanity around me. 

My small space of focus

Reveals life




and relationality

