Just Poetry for Health Equity

Thursday, April 27, 2023, 6-7pm ET


Just Poetry was a live fundraiser and online poetry reading to honor and illuminate experiences in the healthcare community.

“Actions for Transformation” was the theme of the 2023 event. Listener Poets & poemees examined the connection, humanization, + meaning that flow from our work.

We explored how the healthcare world benefits from engaging in five actions for transformation elicited by our programs.


Hear stories of courage in the face of inequities and gain an understanding of how listening and poetry support wellbeing and resilience.

Learn how your donations help bring these stories alive to spark systemic change, and to fuel an equal care world where feeling heard, safe, and seen is a village norm.

[The recording of our 2022 event, featuring six more incredible stories and conversations with Listener Poets and poemees around health equity, is also available.]


Thank you to our Sponsors


Flagship Sponsor


We’re offering several thank you gifts for your generosity in supporting our work.

  • ANY DONATION: You’ll be a hero to healthcare workers and will have our gratitude!

  • GENERAL ADMISSION: Receive a “Good listening is healing” sticker in the mail. This 1.5” x 2” blue vinyl sticker looks great on a water bottle, laptop, or phone.

  • GENEROUS ADMISSION: We'll mail you a paper copy of one of our printed anthologies, a snapshot of humanity in poem form.

  • GENERATIVE ADMISSION: Receive an anthology AND an exclusive copy of The Listener Poet's Handbook for Working, typically only available as the official textbook of our eight-week intensive Certified Listener Poets course.

  • ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL: We're pleased to offer you a one-on-one session with a Listener Poet! Use it for yourself or share it as a gift.


You can expect to receive your gift within 2-4 weeks.

Thank you!


RSVP below with your donation of choice.

Support Good Listening


At The Good Listening Project, we use listening to cultivate wellbeing and resilience in healthcare.

During this fundraising event, your generous contributions support sharing stories from the healthcare community by helping produce additional seasons of The Good Listening Podcast, fund scholarships for the Certified Listener Poets course, as well as support other initiatives and projects designed to serve people in various healthcare settings.


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